Local places to find reuse products.

(In the Dundee township area) 

  The documentary Chemerical is a great start if you are interested in making your own household products that are non-toxic. The website for the documentary is Chemical Nation

Stayvocal - Website for the movie - lots of awesome swag!!

Reuse Study Guide - Students you should have taken notes on the video. Now pick 10 questions from the study guide to answer in complete thoughts and at least 3-5 sentences. 


  Assignment Description for:


  • Find 5 different websites and 5 different videos on ways to repurpose waste. Describe why you picked each one.
  • Determine a project you can make using waste. Pick 3 and diagram how you will make them. You will be creating these next week.
  • You are to bring in the materials. 

Perhaps you want to use reusable containers to make your own cosmetics or cleaning products? There are many sites for how to make your own household products and cosmetics. 

  • Just search DIY cosmetics 
  • Just search DIY household products. 

See the documentary below 

The Story of Cosmetics. 

You are writing your project out as a lab report.

Begin with notes taken from phase one of the project. (Look to the left.)

Title - Determine an appropriate title that relates to this project. 

purpose- From the reuse video site some facts and data why reusing materials benefits humans and planet. Here is an interesting site that has good information. 

materials- For the 3 projects you pick to do what are the material. This should be organized into a table. 

procedure - For the one project you pick to do what will you need to complete it? In detail describe how you will make it. This should include drawings and diagrams with measurements. 

data- Once your project is complete document whether it suits its purpose. How do you know? 

conclusion- Reflect on the process from research to creating the project. How successful were you? What did you learn? What did you learn from your peers as you observed them making their projects? How could you improve on this process?