Amphibians info. 

  • Thank you Bill Nye!

Key words 

  • amphibian
  • metamorphosis
  • cold-blooded
  • Frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and caecilians (worm-like animals that have backbones) 
  • melanin
  • axlotl 

Video questions 

1. Amphibians are rapidly disappearing around the world and up to ____ of all amphibians are threatened with extinction.

2. Ampibians are under threat from what factors? (4)

3. Amphibians are important because _____.

4. Pesticides can harm frogs by _____.

5. A simple way to help frogs is to _____.

6. A person’s ecological footprint is the total impact that person has on the planet. What are some ways that your daily habits may affect the environment? What are some simple changes you can make to be more environmentally friendly?

7. What are some environmenta factors in your neighborhood that would affect frogs?

Taken from

Click here to complete the following.

1.  What is an amphibian?

2.  What are the 3 main groups of amphibians?

3.  Make a sketch of the amphibian life cycle and label the stages. 

wormlike amphibians 

4.  What are wormlike amphibians called?

5.  How big can the largest Caecilians grow? (Look on the right)

6.  Describe them and discuss where they live.

Go to Salamanders and Newts.

7.  Looking at the pictures what are some differences between the 2?

8.  What is the largest amphibian in the world and where would you find it? How big is it? (Look on the right of the page.)

9. Do frogs have teeth? (click on the link) What are these teeth called?

10. What are their teeth used for?

11. Summarize this story about why frogs sing and what they can tell us about the weather. 

12. What is the difference between a frog and a toad? Summarize the article to answer the question. 

From the topics below pick one of them and answer the questions. If you answer more than one topic you will get bonus points

Protection from Predators Questions:

  • What types of things might find frogs tasty?
  • One adaptation for chameleons is the ability to change colors to match their background to hide themselves. Can frogs change their colors like the chameleons?
  • What is so unique about the eyes of a Chilean Frog?
  • Explain why the Oriental Firebellied Toads are at an advantage by having greenish spots all over their backs and bright orange bellies.

Strange Breeding and Weather Questions:

  • What is a unique characteristic of the Gastric Brooding Frog?
  • How does a typical desert frog cope with the droughts that are possible?
  • Explain how certain types of frogs have natural “anti-freeze” within their body. How do they use this antifreeze?

Cool Factoid Questions:

  • When did the earliest known frog appear?
  • What is the biggest known frog? Where is this frog found?
  • What is the smallest known frog? Where is this frog found?
  • Can you get warts from touching frogs and toads?
  • If you had a fear of frogs, what would it be known as?


Illinois Amphibian Poster Assignment Description

You need sources!!!! And cite them!!!!

This assignment is an introduction to a local amphibian.

Your poster should be a get to know your local amphibian themed.

What should be on the poster?

  • The Scientific Name of the amphibian.
  • The common Name of the amphibian.
  • Where would one find this amphibian?  Location on a map and does it prefer a specific habitat?
  • A picture of the amphibian to scale or life size.  (Make sure you tell the size)
  • What does the call of the amphibian sound like?
  • In what way is the amphibian in danger?  (It probably is.)

Illinois Frog Information

Mudpuppies in Illinois

Click on the link above and the image below to learn about Mudpuppies. 

Mudpuppy by Cullen Hanks from Wikimedia