Video The Coriolis Effect

Video Clouds and weather

Go to the following sites and answer the questions below each.  Answer in complete sentences unless otherwise specified restating the question.

Sky Diary  

On this site go to the links and answer the following:

1.  How are tornadoes formed?  summarize this section in your words.

2. Describe how tornadoes are measured.

3. Discuss the importance of tornado safety including what to do if your in a car.

4. Draw a diagram explaining how lightning forms.  Explain it.

5. Discuss tornado safety.

6. Using the words convection, eye, and storm-surge describe a hurricane in your words. 

7. What scale is used to describe hurricanes?  Make sure you include what the scale describes.

8. Make a chart of tips for surviving a hurricane.

9.  Describe the job of a storm chaser.

10.What happens at a typical chase?

11.  Discuss the problems with the movie Twister.

12.  How does one become a storm chaser?

Windows to the Universe

1.  What 2 main elements is the Earth's made up of?  (give the %)

2.  Draw the diagram describing Earth's 5 layers (click where it says that) and describe.

3.  Click on Moon on the top and discuss the moon using the words satellite, gravity, and the moon's size compared to Earth.

Wild Weather


Scroll Down to Science on the Ice part 1 and click on it.  Watch it and answer the following.

1.  Where was Dan visiting?  Describe where it is found?

2.  Where did Dan have to fly to get there?

3.  Discuss the town ChristChurch in New Zealand.

4.  What is ECW gear?  Why is it important?

5.  What is the only way that you can get to Antarctica?

6.  Why was Dan boomeranged back?  What was the deal with his shoes?

7.  What is the name of the mountains there?

8.  How many people summer and winter at McMurdo base?

Go to part 2

1.  What is the lowest temperature in the winter/

2.  Does the sun ever set there in the summer? 

3.  What does a condition 3 and 1 mean?

4.  Who is Robert Scott?

5.  What did they learn in survival school?

6.  What is the name of the active volcano there?

7.  Is there a pole at the south pole? 

Climate extremes and Weather


1. What is a dendochronologist?

2. How do dendochronologists study tree rings to predict climate?

3. Describe what is said in the coral and polar archives section.


Click on each cloud type and describe each cloud in a chart. 

Recreate the drawing in your notes of Common Cloud types in the troposphere.

Answer the nimbo or nimbus question.