Donut Economics Action Lab - Link 


Donut DreamsPuppet Rap Battle- Regenerative and Distributive Design - This of The Plant in Chicago 

Get Animated- Youth Mayors


Get Animated

      Click on the Get Animated link to take you to the Donut Economics Action Lab. These lessons are based on their content. 

  • Seven short animations to introduce the Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist

  • These are also found below. 

Begin by copying the below diagram in your notes. This is handwritten. Copying the image into a Doc is not taking notes. 

Click here to go to the website explaining the image below. 

After you have copied the above image in your notebook there are 7 videos below. Watch each one and answer the questions that accompany them in your notebook using your hands. 

Discussion questions:

  1. What is problematic about having GDP growth as the economic goal? 
  2. What do you think are the key factors that determine whether or not humanity can thrive within the Doughnut? (eg technology, inequality, population, governance…)

Discussion questions:

  1. What role has the neoliberal story played in your country’s economy over the last 30 years? 
  2. What do you think are essential elements of a new economic story?

Discussion questions:

  1. What do you think should be the core characteristics of humanity in a 21st century economic model?
  2. If human behaviour is influenced by the models that we create of ourselves (ie the models are performative) then is it even useful to create such models of humanity in economic theory?
  3. How can economic policies best nurture human nature, to bring out humanity’s capacity for cooperation and mutual aid? What are some examples? 

Discussion questions: 

  1. Does it make sense to talk of ‘economic laws’? (think: laws of supply and demand, law of diminishing returns)
  2. What are some examples of tipping points and feedback loops in the economy? 
  3. If the economy is a complex system that can’t be controlled but only stewarded, what is the role of the economist? What are the skills required to be a good economist?

Discussion questions: 

  1. What policies could make an economy distributive by design?
  2. What are some options for housing and land ownership?
  3. What are some options for money creation?
  4. What are some options for business ownership?
  5. Where are these kinds of policies in practice today?
  6. What are their effects and what challenges might they raise?

Discussion question: 

  1. Why doesn’t growth clean up after itself? 
  2. What are the principles of a circular economy?
  3. What are the opportunities and challenges of creating circular economies?

Discussion questions:

  1. How are economies currently dependent upon endless growth (financially, politically, socially)?
  2. Is it possible for an economy to become agnostic about growth?
  3. Should GDP be measured at all? 


Puppet Rap Battle - Economic Man vs. Humanity

Watch this video and summarize the message and words.

Create your own poem or rap that is in the same theme. 


Youth Mayor- What will you do? 

       Click HERE for the lesson. 

  • Click on Youth Mayor to take you to the project. 
  • This project may be started once all other assignments for Local Futures and The Donut are complete. If all assignments are complete you may work with a partner.