October 22, 2013  expectations for Environmental Science

·       Plant Packets!!  (For the 25th time.  : )  )

·       Each person has a full write-up in their notebooks.

·       You have the laptops today so that you can upload  pictures and add your data to the site. 

·       I suggest you have 2 laptops per group and work in pairs to do this.

·       Send an e-mail to your mentor with at least 1 question about your investigation and an explanation of your control and variable.

·       I should see everyone in the group working.  Delegate and decide on roles in your team.

·       The final deadline for this project is Next Thursday, October 31st but you will only have the laptops today, Thursday, and next Monday.  Make good use of your time.  


The module you will be using is  the Seed Challenge   on the Planting Science website.

Important concepts are: germination, seeds, growth chambers, growing medium, Photosynthesis, leaves, chlorophyll, chloroplasts

     This is a group project but each of you will be keeping a science journal

for observations and data collection.  Both need to be taken and you need

to determine what data you will be collecting and what you will be using as

your controls and variables for your experiment.  Remember to only keep

it to 1 variable.  Write down what I tell you needs to be done every day.  

 Look at the planting seed guide given to you for ideas for investigations.  You will need to READ IT.  : ).  It is the seed challenge link above.

 You have already been assigned mentors and have e-mails from them to your groups.  You should think of some comments and questions and e-mail your mentors before the end of class.  I will be looking on my teacher section of the site that you did your pre-test and e-mailed your mentors for credit.

 Please watch your time and use it constructively

 October 8, 2013

You should have already registered on the site with your team.  Make sure you entered

your full name under the registration or else I will not know who you are on my side of the site.

Make sure you took the pre-test.

You and your team should have sent your mentor an email and began to set up your site with your team name and photo.  

Decide which seed you want to use and what you want to investigate.


You will need to pick your seeds and prepare them as tomorrow you

will be building your growth chambers and designing your research.  It is

all outlined for you in the packets.


Here are your seed options.  Only 1 will be picked per group.  I suggest you

look some qualities of the seeds and germination times before you make your

final decision on the seed you are using. 






Red clover


Green bean

Mung bean

